category-group: strings
layer: 0
header file(s): z_strsubs.h
libraries: libz00.lib

String functions at level 0 use primary raw language data type "char *". though often times a function in this group is basically a wrapper around the same functionality offered by the host operating system, using these functions provide advantages:

  • a single name across all supported OS's
  • a more descriptive, standardized function name. For example, compare z_str_to_longint() vs. atol().
  • more powerful functions (ie, z_skip_nonwhitespace(), z_yank_token(), z_pad_blanks_right())

[C] functions (aka subroutines):

SIGNATURE: int z_delete_endchar (char *s)
SYNOPSIS: deletes that final character. the converse of z_append_char()
TRAITS: stable

SIGNATURE: int z_delete_char (char *str, size_t n, int *pi = NULL)
SYNOPSIS: delete a char at the nth position of a string
0: successful deletion
-1: indicates bad parameter was passed in
TRAITS: stable

SIGNATURE: int z_insert_char (char *s, char c, int n, int maxi)
SYNOPSIS: inserts a char at the nth position of the string
characters at position 'str[n]' and up get moved up. the caller must specify the maximum length of the string; if it is exceeded, the characters at the end fall off. The length of the string can exceed param 'maxi'. If so, the insert shift procedure affects only the 1st 'maxi' chars.
TRAITS: stable

SIGNATURE: int z_append_char (char *s, char c)
SYNOPSIS: appends the char 'c' to the string 's'.
TRAITS: stable; no error checking

SIGNATURE: char z_digit_to_char (const int n, const int base = 10, const boolean use_uc = TRUE, int *pi = NULL)
converts the numeric value of 'n' to a character. The value of 'n' must be in the correct range - very small, in [0..15].
z_digit_to_char (2, 10, TRUE); // returns '2'
z_digit_to_char (2, 2); // ERROR! (returns '')
z_digit_to_char (13, 16, FALSE); // returns 'c'
z_digit_to_char (12, 16, TRUE); // returns 'B'
z_digit_to_char (2001, 8); // error in any base

  • n: the number (value) to be converted to a character
  • base: the numeric base to use. The default value is 10 (decimal). This value can be only one of the following: 16, 10, 8, or 2. Any other value will result in an error, and the operation will be aborted.
  • use_uc: TRUE / FALSE; if TRUE, any letter (alphabetic) output values will be in upper-case; otherwise (if FALSE), they will be in lower-case. This parameter is applicable only for hexadecimal (base = 16).
  • pi: error output indicator varlable. values:
    0: ok; digit properly converted and returned
[character, in '0'..'F'] - successful mapping (/conversion)
'\0': error in one or more input values

SIGNATURE: boolean z_is_printable (char c)
SYNOPSIS: checks if the given character is 'regular'. a wrapper for the system function 'isprint()'
note that using this instead of an 'is-ascii' function is superior, as checking if a character is printable by checking if it is 'ASCII' introduces a dependency on ASCII character-encoding.
stable. However, there is no provision for locale, limiting its usefulness for Scandinavian or Baltic languages (where there are for example, 'o' with 2 dots above it, or Spanish 'hard-n')

SIGNATURE: int z_strpos (const char *s, char c, int *pie = NULL)
SYNOPSIS: this routine gives the index offset of the first occurance of 'c' in 's', if one is found; and if not, it returns -1
[n]: (n >= 0) index offset of the first occurance of 'c' in 's'
-1: no 'c' found in 's'
TRAITS: stable

SIGNATURE: int z_toupper (char c)
SYNOPSIS: yields the upper-case letter for a given letter
RETURNS: the upper-case letter for 'c', if possible; otherwise, 'c'
TRAITS: stable; potential incorrect results

SIGNATURE: boolean z_islower (char c)
SYNOPSIS: returns the lower-case letter for the input parameter 'c'
the lower-case letter, if the inputted letter ('c') is an upper-case letter;
or FALSE, otherwise.
TRAITS: stable; potential incorrect results

SIGNATURE: boolean z_isalpha (char c)
SYNOPSIS: tells if the input parameter 'c' is "'alphabetic"; checks whether the character is printable and a letter
RETURNS: TRUE - character is alphabetic; | FALSE - otherwise
WARNING: totally dependent on ASCII ordering
TRAITS: stable

SIGNATURE: int z_int_to_str_wcommas (long int x, char *out, int *pi = NULL)
this is a simplified version of the '[xxx_to_dollarstr]()' series of functions. It inserts commas every 3 digits and works only for base 10. This function was written to address the frequent needs of having a comma-formatted number printed.

SIGNATURE: int z_real_to_str_wcommas (double x, char *out, count_t frac_dig = 0, int *pi = NULL)
this is a simplified version of the '[xxx_to_dollarstr]()' series of functions. This function is analogous to 'z_int_to_str_wcommas()' but works with real numbers (eg, float and double types). You can add a fractional decimal part, with virtually no limit to how many decimal places - correction, a hard stop of 4,096 characters after the decimal point (hope that's enough).

SIGNATURE: double z_dollarstr_to_double (const char *s, int *pei = NULL)
SYNOPSIS: string to number conversion. parses a string containing a formatted number
This takes an input string such as "$8,460.11" and returns a double with value 8460.11. Here are some examples of input and output:

   INPUT         OUTPUT          INPUT           OUTPUT
   -----         ------          -----           ------
   "$  ,875.87"   875.87         "6,70,100.99"        6.0
   "$xi^6,100.9" 6100.9          "-y83.8"            83.8
   ". 89.77"       89.77         "@-(#@66.4"         66.4
   "44..30"        44.0          "@-83-.8"          -83.0
   "6700,888.9"  6700.0          ",123,345."     123345.0
   "(400.0"       400.0          "(125.75)"        -125.75

RETURNS: [numeric equivalent]
TRAITS: stable; obscure behaviour

SIGNATURE: int z_double_to_dollarstr (double v, char *out, u_int wid, u_int dwid, u_int bitcode, int *pi = NULL)
SYNOPSIS: number to string conversion. create a formatted number as a string, from a type double
This function can print something like "$(1,453.66)" from the value -1453.66 There are quite a few formats to choose from. What is used is determined by the bitcode put into 5th parameter:

   5 4 3 2 1 0
   ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
   | | | | | |....add '$'
   | | | | |......move '$' to far left (obviously meaningful if bit 0 set).
   | | | |........use () (parens) for neg. number. if not set, uses '-'.
   | | |          revision, Wed Aug 5 1987: space added at end of a positive
   | | |          number if this flag is used, to align negative numbers.
   | | | commas. default is commas.
   | |............if too big, fill with '*'s
   |..............if too big, fill with '9's; bit field 5 (9's) wins over 4.

0: success
-1: error - bad input parameter
TRAITS: stable; obscure behaviour; somewhat complex to use

SIGNATURE: char *z_ulong_to_dollarstr (unsigned long, int, int, int * = NULL)
SYNOPSIS: similar to z_ulong_to_dollarstr(). formats a value of type unsigned long

|||||.....pad with zeros in front
||||......left justify (doesn't mix with pad w. zeros; this has priority)
|||.......insert commas
||........if width o/flow, chop off low-order digits (default priority)
|.........if width o/flow, chop off high-order digits

[char * pointer to buffer] - contains the resultant character string (success)
NULL: bad input parameter
usage of this function is DANGEROUS because it returns a pointer to a local stack variable that is logically destroyed after the function call returns
TRAITS: obscure behaviour; somewhat complex to use

SIGNATURE: char *z_long_to_dollarstr (long val, int width, int bitcode, int *pi = NULL)
SYNOPSIS: almost the same as "z_ulong_to_dollarst()"; but for [signed] long integers.

||||||.....pad with zeros in front
|||||......left justify (doesn't mix with pad w. zeros; this has priority)
||||.......insert commas
|||........if width o/flow, chop off low-order digits (default priority)
||.........if width o/flow, chop off high-order digits
|..........if negative value, use '(', ')'.

RETURNS: [char * pointer to buffer] - contains the resultant character string (success) NULL: bad input parameter
WARNING: not thread-safe (uses static char buffer)
TRAITS: buggy; incomplete; not recommended; NEEDS REPAIR

SIGNATURE: boolean is_z_valid_variable_name (const char *p, boolean auc = TRUE)
SYNOPSIS: test if string is valid [c language] variable name
this subroutine tests if the sequence of characters starting at 'p' represents a valid variable name, according to c-language standards. A valid variable name must start with a letter, and then can contain '0'..'9', 'a'..'z', or '_' (an underbar). whether upper case is ok too is up to the user by specifying the value of input parameter 'auc'
0: ok (valid name)
-1: not ok (or error in input)

SIGNATURE: int z_int_to_str (const int n, char *buf, const int base = 10, const size_t nmax = 0, int *pi = NULL)
SYNOPSIS: convert an integer ('n') to a string ('buf'). The output may be printed (to 'buf') in decimal, hexadecimal, octal, or binary.

  • n: the number (value) to be converted to a string
  • buf: the character buffer where the result is stored
  • base: the base to use. the default value is 10 (decimal). This value can be only one of: 16, 10, 8, or 2. Any other value will result in an error and the operation will be aborted.
  • nmax: the size of 'buf', in bytes (eg, the maximum number of characters 'buf' can hold). If 0 is specified, the buffer size will not be checked. This case is dangerous in that if the result uses more characters than the size of 'buf', fatal program errors (stack overflow, buffer overruns, segmentation faults) may result.
  • pi: error output indicator varlable. values:
    0: ok; number properly converted and returned
    zErr_Value_NotHandled: illegal 'base' value
    zErr_Param_NullPointer: input buffer is null pointer
    zErr_Index_OutofBounds: illegal digit value encountered [PANIC; this should never happen]
    zErr_Result_TooBig: buffer overflow
"stable". Early notes describe this funcation as "[giving] potential incorrect results", but the reason for this note is unknown. This function was upgraded on Monday Aug 27, 2012 to handle multiple base values.

SIGNATURE: int z_longint_to_str (long int n, char *s, const size_t nmax = 0, int *pi = NULL)
same as 'z_int_to_str()', except input type is 'long int'.
PARAMETER LIST & RETURN VALUES: see 'z_int_to_str()'

SIGNATURE: int z_count_to_str (count_t int n, char *s, const size_t nmax = 0, int *pi = NULL)
same as "z_longint_to_str()", except input type is 'count_t'
PARAMETER LIST & RETURN VALUES: see 'z_int_to_str()'
TRAITS: stable; potential incorrect results

SIGNATURE: int z_ulong_to_str (u_long n, char *s, const size_t nmax = 0, int *pi = NULL)
SYNOPSIS: same as "z_longint_to_str()", except input type is 'u_long'

SIGNATURE: int z_double_to_str (double d, char *s, const char *fmt = NULL, int *pi = NULL)
similar as "z_longint_to_str()"; input type is 'double'
RETURN VALUES: see 'z_int_to_str()'
if the 3rd parameter ('fmt') is NULL or "", the default formatting is used. otherwise, you can pass it a format command - same used by sprintf(). Default format is "%lf".
TRAITS: stable; obscure behaviour; potential strange results

SIGNATURE: int z_str_to_int (const char *b, int base = 10, int *pe = NULL)
read the value inside string 'b'; if it's a number, returns its value. the number may be preceded by blanks and a "+" or "-" sign. Note that the string must not contain non-numeric characters (it can start with a '+' or '-'). It can have preceding blanks - they will be skipped. Thus, z_str_to_int("28days") will return an error, not 28.

  • b: character buffer containing a numeric
  • base: integer value for number base (must be: [2,] 8, 10, or 16)
  • pe: error output indicator varlable. values:
    0: ok; number properly converted and returned
    1: invalid input: null buffer
    2: invalid input: base not implemented or illegal value
    3: non-number(s) encountered
    4: found more than 1 "+" or "-"
some examples:
   z_str_to_int("  85") ....... returns 85 (as an int)
   z_str_to_int("A3", 16) ..... returns 163
   z_str_to_int("-17", 8) ..... returns -15
   z_str_to_int("two", 10, &ie) returns -1, and error flag "ie" is non-zero
   z_str_to_int("45!", 10, &ie) returns -1, and error flag "ie" is non-zero

RETURNS: [numeric value]
TRAITS: base 2 is not [yet] supported

SIGNATURE: long z_str_to_longint (const char *b, int *pi = NULL)
SYNOPSIS: read the value inside string 'b'; if it's a number, returns its value

  • pi: output parameter, error indicator flag. values:
    0 - ok - success;
    -1 - bad [null] input parameter
  • RETURNS: [numeric value]

    SIGNATURE: count_t z_str_to_count (const char *b, int *p = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: similar to z_str_to_longint(), for "count_t" type
    RETURNS: 0

    SIGNATURE: double z_str_to_double (const char *s, int *pi = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: converts the contents of a character array to its value as a real number (type double).

    • in: input parameter, a pointer to character string containing characters representing a real number
    • pi: [output] error indicator variable. values:
      0: successful conversion
      zErr_Param_NullPointer: 's' is NULL
      zErr_NoData: contents of 's' is an empty string ("")
      zErr_DirtyData: the contents of 's' had leading whitespace (a warning only)
      zErr_Data_BadFormat: NaN. the first (non-whitespace) char indicated that the contents is not a real number
      zErr_Data_Unexpected: the contents of the object contains non-numeric characters ("45.72(.." is not allowed)
    this subroutine started a long time ago as a modification of the standard "atof()" function (p. 69, K&R white book). It does the following:
    • skips any leading white space
    • checks for a sign ('+' or '-)
    • computes a value, loading each char to a digit
    • if any char is not part of a valid real number, the subroutine exits with error. nothing but a number (with leading whitespace) is allowed.
    Valid values of 's' include: " 45." (returns 45; 'pi' is set to zErr_DirtyData); "+63" (returns 63); "-9." (returns -9); " 87.9350" (returns 87.935; 'pi' is set).
    RETURNS: [numeric value of the input string]

    SIGNATURE: int z_str_to_hex (const char *in, char *out, size_t len = 0, boolean uc = TRUE, int meth = 0)

    • in: input parameter, pointer to character string containing text to be encoded. Can be any text, but this subroutine is intended for [readable] clear-text.
    • out: output parameter, pointer to character string to recieve the encoded output of 'in'. must be non-null in order for this subroutine to succeed, and MUST have enough space (number of bytes) to recieve the input. The space must be double the number of bytes processed plus 1 (for the '\0' endcap - string terminator).
    • len: The number of bytes to process. Can be less than the natural length of the string. If 0 (the default), z_strlen() will be used to determine the number of bytes, which means the string in this case must be null-terminated and the output buffer correspondingly big enough.
    • uc: if TRUE (the default), the output will use large letters for the hexadecimal values emitted ('A'..'F'); small (eg ['a'..'f']) otherwise.
    • meth: "method" flag. We recommend not playing or modifying with this variable. The default is 0. It controls which implementation of this functionality is to be run. There are a few (currently 2 or 3) implementations with marginal differences. These are provided as a way to boost performance. The first implementation has 'meth' value 0. If this parameter is out of bounds the subroutine will fail, do nothing, and simply return -1.
    converts 'len' characters in 'in' to their hexadecimal character representation. 'out' *must* be twice as long as 'len' (or the number of characters in 'in', up to the first null ['\0'] character). there is no way to check for buffer overrun so it is the responsibility of the user-application to ensure the integrity of the buffers 'in' and 'out'.
    0: success
    -1: error - one or both char buffer parameters are null pointers, or 'meth' out of bounds

    SIGNATURE: int z_hex_to_str (const char *in, char *out, size_t len, int meth = 0)
    converts 'len' characters in 'in' to their clear-text equivalent. This function is the corollary to z_str_to_hex().
    0: success
    -1: error - one or both char buffer parameters are null pointers, or the input buffer contains non-hex characters

    SIGNATURE: char z_hex_to_char (const char c1, const char c2, int *pi = NULL)
    converts 2 "hex" characters to normal character value. The two input variables 'c1' and 'c2' should be consecutive characters from a character buffer.
    This function is intended to be used like so:

    for (i = 0; i < n; i+= 2)
        c1 = buf[i];
        c2 = buf[i+1];
        out[i] = z_hex_to_char(c1, c2);

    RETURNS: [char c]: 'c' is the resultant clear-text character, the decoded product of hex characters c1 & c2.

    SIGNATURE: count_t z_num_digits (const char *buf, int *pi = NULL)
    counts the number of digits for the text contained in 'buf'. The input parameter 'buf' must be pointing to text representing a number in order for this function to work.

    • buf: character array contain a number.
    • pi: [output] error indicator variable. values:
      0: success; num-string counted
      zErr_Param_BadVal: inputted string is NaN

    SIGNATURE: int z_numstr_trimzero (char *in, int *pi = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: trims trailing zeros from a "numeric string"

    • in: character array contain a number. The text must be null-terminated (with '\0'). It must contain a valid, non-null buffer.
    • pi: [output] error indicator variable. values:
      0: success; string trimmed.
      zErr_Param_NullPointer: null pointer parameter.
      zErr_Param_BadVal: inputted string is NaN
      zErr_IsEmpty: 0-length string
    the string in question must be the textual representation of a number, such as "10", 3.14", or "-1760.9". This function uses is_z_str_a_number() to make sure the contents of 'in' is strictly a number. If the buffer passes the test, any zeros at the end will be bobbed. Thus, "0.1750000" will become "0.175".

    0: success
    1: warning: input was 0-length
    -1: error - null pointer(s) passed in, or 'in' is NaN

    SIGNATURE: int z_str_incnumbers (char *str, int *p = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: 'increments' digits in a string, like a number
    some examples:

        input           output
        "573-89-"       "573-90-"
        "12345"         "12346"
        "999."          "999."          (*error*)
        "0"             "1"
        "hi, 7 & 8 & 9" "hi, 7 & 9 & 0"

    RETURNS: 0

    SIGNATURE: double z_yankdouble_fromstr (const char *src, int *p = NULL)
    RETURNS: [numeric value of the input string]
    TRAITS: needs checking

    SIGNATURE: int z_copyreal_fromstr (char *dest, const char *src, int *pexi = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: if 'src' on the start of a number, copies the number to 'dest'
    given that the cppsn ('src') is on a digit, this function copies the part of the string that is a floating point number (e.g., [0-9]*.[0-9]*) to 'dest' and returns the number of characters copied
    [n > 0] number of characters in the output string
    -1: error ('src' not pointing to a real number)

    SIGNATURE: boolean z_is_str_allnumbers (const char *p, const size_t n = 0, int *p = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: tells if all characters in the given (null-terminated) string are digits
    TRUE: all digits
    FALSE: not all digits (at least 1 non-numeric char), or bad input

    SIGNATURE: boolean z_is_str_valid_name (const char *s, const size_t n = 0, int *pe = NULL)
    similar to z_is_str_allnumbers(). The first character can be a digit ('0'..'9'). Checks only the first 'n' characters, if 'n' is set [to non-zero].
    TRUE: the text in 's' is a simple "word" type.
    FALSE: not a simple word
    this was planned to be phased out, but then we needed something to distinguish between a "simple word" type and "compiler name" type, eg, "91601" vss. "Windows98_OS" (10/27/2012). The requirements were modified slightly

    SIGNATURE: boolean is_z_str_a_number (const char *s, int *pi = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: returns TRUE if the contents of 's' is [wholly-entirely] a number, or FALSE otherwise.

    • s: the input character buffer, to be searched for a number. The contents of this buffer must be a number (as described here) in order to quality for returning TRUE.
    • pi: [optional] output error indicator variable. Values:
      0: the number is an int. examples: "-1", "053", "666".
      1: the number is a float. examples: "76.", "-0.345", "-.7856".
      zErr_Data_Unexpected: this is the standard value for NaN errant syntax
    this subroutine is purely and simply an alias for "is_z_str_on_number(s, TRUE)". Note that this function does not handle embedded commas, eg "1,000,000.3"

    SIGNATURE: boolean is_z_str_on_number (const char *s, boolean strict, int *pi = NULL)

    • s: the input character buffer, to be searched for a number. The beginning of this buffer must be a number (as described here) in order to quality for returning TRUE.
    • strict: if TRUE, the contents of the entire string must represent a single number in order for this function to return TRUE. Else, it returns FALSE and 'pi' is set to zErr_DirtyData.
    • pi: [optional] output error indicator variable. Values:
      0: the number is an int. examples: "-1", "053", "666".
      1: the number is a float. examples: "76.", "-0.345", "-.7856".
      zErr_Data_Unexpected: this is the standard value for NaN errant syntax
      zErr_DirtyData: this is used if the numeric string is followed by non-numeric characters and 'strict' is FALSE.
      -1: bad syntax. examples: "-a", "-.xyx", "!abc", ".oh boy" (NOTE - THIS VALUE APPEARS TO BE WRONG!).
    this is similar to z_is_str_allnumbers(), but allows input string 's' to contain characters typically used in number representation, such as '-' or '.'. Thus, all these are valid "number-strings" (and if 's' is set to these values, this subroutine will return TRUE):
    "0.5500", "-3.14159265", "-88"
    note: if 'strict' is TRUE, the entire string must be a valid numeric in order for this subroutine to return TRUE. If it contains anything else, even after the number (eg "10%"), the routine will return FALSE. However, the output variable will be 0, indicating that the text started as a number (rather strange combinations).
    Note that this function does not handle embedded commas, eg "11,500" (comma-formatted numbers are a regional convention; some locales use dots or even single-quotes where the American convention places commas).
    TRUE: the text in 's' is entirely a number ('strict' = TRUE), or it starts with a number ('strict' = FALSE)
    FALSE: the text in 's' is not a number

    SIGNATURE: int reverse (char *s)
    SYNOPSIS: swaps the characters in a string
    RETURNS: 0
    TRAITS: low-value

    SIGNATURE: size_t z_extract_size_frombytes (const byte_t *ptr, int *pexi = NULL)

    SIGNATURE: int z_insert_size_intobytes (size_t n, byte_t *s, int *pexi = NULL)
    RETURNS: 0

    SIGNATURE: int z_eol (const char *s)
    SYNOPSIS: test if the given string is is at the end of a line
    DESCRIPTION: returns a 1 if the first character is '\n', '\r', or '\0'
    1: the first char of the string is on e-o-line character
    0: otherwise

    SIGNATURE: const char *z_sgets (char *d, size_t maxn, const char *s, int *pe = NULL)
    reads characters from 's' into the char array 'd', like fgets(). unlike gets()/fgets(), it returns a pointer to the start of 's', where sgets() finished input (this makes it useful to keep in a loop to read successive chunks of a buffer).
    <ptr>: points to start of next line
    NULL: if no chars are copied

    SIGNATURE: size_t z_getline_stdin (char *b, size_t n, int *pe = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: gets a (char *) line from stdin

  • pi: [optional] output error indicator variable. Values:
    0: successful line fetch
    1: e-o-input (stdin was closed)
  • RETURNS: the number of characters fetched

    SIGNATURE: int z_str_center (char *b, size_t n, int *pe = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: surrounds a string with 'n' blanks
    0: success;
    -1: error ('n' >= length of string)

    SIGNATURE: int z_right_justify (char *d, const char *s, size_t maxn, int *pe = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: move nonblank chars to right side of buffer

        "  oops!  "     ->     "    oops!"
        "  oops!"       ->     "  oops!"
        "ugh   "        ->     "   ugh"

    RETURNS: 0

    SIGNATURE: int z_left_justify (char *dest, const char *src, int *pexi = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: take out leading whitespace in a string; removes all the gaps left at the end of a line.
    0: success
    -1: bad input (null value(s))

    SIGNATURE: int z_len (char *buffer, int *pexi)
    this routine returns the length of a string when trailing spaces, newlines, and s are disregarded; eg, z_len ("ABCD ") -> 4
    RETURNS: string length (>= 0)
    TRAITS: unusual

    SIGNATURE: const char *z_substring (const char *victim, const char *sub, int * = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: search for the first occurence of "sub" in "victim"
    a pointer to where "sub" is found
    NULL, if not found

    SIGNATURE: int z_str_reverse (char *buf)
    reverses all the characters in 'buf'; puts them in reverse order. "abc!" becomes "!cba". All characters up to '\0' are processed.

    SIGNATURE: char *yank_up2char (char *dest, char *src, char key)
    SYNOPSIS: copy a string, up to specified char
    DESCRIPTION: copies up to (but not including) the given char "key", if it is found. if not found, the operation is not done.
    a pointer in "src" where "key" is [first] found
    NULL, if not found

    SIGNATURE: const char *z_strchr (const char *s, char c, int *pexi = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: returns a pointer to 1st occurrence of char c in string s
    a pointer to the 1st occurrence of char c in string s
    NULL pointer if c does not occur in the string s

    SIGNATURE: int concat (int nargs, char *dest, ...)
    a "varchar" function. concatenate a variable number of strings into parameter buffer "dest". specify the number of strings to concatenate in parameter "nargs".
    it is the user's responsibility to ensure that a sufficiently large enough buffer is provided. ie, "concat (n, dest, s1, s2, s3);" concatenates s1+s2+s3 and puts it in dest. '3' is the number of strings to concat().
    RETURNS: 0

    SIGNATURE: int z_copy (char *source, char *dest, int m, int n)
    SYNOPSIS: copies n chars, starting at position m
    RETURNS: 0

    SIGNATURE: int delete_chars (char *s, int m, int n)
    SYNOPSIS: extract (delete) a section of a string; delete characters from position m to position n
    0: success
    -1: caller provided bad input parameters (eg, m+n > [string length])

    SIGNATURE: int put_words_in_box80 (char box[][80], char *source, int max_n)
    parses a char string into "words". if the input string ("source") contains this:
    the output will be a set of strings containing this:
    { "OEX", "IBM", "ATT", "CYR" }

    • box - an array of 80[]-char strings. define it like "char box[5][80];"
    • source - a char buffer containing the input to parse
    • max_n - max number of words allowable; size of "box"
    number of words read
    -1, if error
    TRAITS: this function will probably be phased out

    SIGNATURE: int put_words_in_box256 (char box[][256], char *source, int max_n)
    SYNOPSIS: like "put_words_in_box80()" but for bigger string buffers (256)
    number of words read
    -1, if error
    TRAITS: this function will probably be phased out

    SIGNATURE: char *z_number_to_commastr (long, int, int)
    format a long int into a string, adding commas and interpreting parameters to determine where the decimal point goes. Commas are inserted every three digits to the left of the decimal. sample usage:
    'strng (12345678, 12, 2)' returns " 123,456.78"
    'strng (12345, 8, 2)' returns " 123.45"

    SIGNATURE: int z_strcspn (char *s1, char *s2)
    SYNOPSIS: find length of segment of s1 consisting of chars not from s2
    this finds the length of [an initial] segment of s1 consisting entirely of characters not from s2. useful in environments lacking system function "strcspn()".

    SIGNATURE: int z_isdigit (int c)
    SYNOPSIS: checks whether a character is a number (ie, a digit)
    RETURNS: 1: character is a digit; 0: otherwise
    WARNING: totally dependent on ASCII ordering

    SIGNATURE: int z_ispunct (int c)
    SYNOPSIS: checks whether a character is a punctuation
    RETURNS: 1: character is punctuation; 0: otherwise
    WARNING: totally dependent on ASCII ordering

    SIGNATURE: int z_strcpy (char *out, const char *in)
    SYNOPSIS: an os-independent "strcpy()"
    0: success
    -1: error (null parameter string[s])

    SIGNATURE: char *z_strncpy (char *d, const char *s, size_t n)
    this does a "strncpy()" with a '\0' tacked on the end. if a null byte ('\0') is encountered in the input string 's', the copy ends there.
    To copy a specific number of bytes without interpreting the contents, use z_bcopy().
    0: success
    -1: error (null parameter string[s])

    SIGNATURE: int z_strcat (char *out, const char *in, int *pexi = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: an os-independent "strcat()"
    0: success
    -1: error (null parameter string[s])

    SIGNATURE: char *z_strdup (const char *in)
    SYNOPSIS: an os-independent "strdup()"; allocates new memory and copies a string into the space

    SIGNATURE: int z_bcopy (byte_t *dest, const byte_t *source, size_t n)
    this subroutine is a replacement for the 'bcopy()' system call. It copies binary strings (eg, non-text blocks of data). There is no interpretation of the contents - exactly 'n' bytes will be copied (this differs from z_strncpy(), which stops if a null byte is encountered).
    0: success
    -1: error (null parameter string[s])

    SIGNATURE: int z_bfind (const byte_t *a, const byte_t *b, size_t a_len, size_t b_len, int *pe = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: searches for "b" in "a". b_len <= a_len.

    • a: block of bytes to search
    • b: block of bytes to search for in "a"
    • a_len: number of bytes in "a" (could be less than a's length)
    • b_len: number of bytes in "b"
    • pe: error indicator [output] var. values:
      0: ok; "b" found
      1: not found
      2: null input buffer
      3: b_len > a_len
      4: a_len == 0 || b_len == 0
    this is a binary-byte version of z_substr(). Used by the find() member function whtn the string is in binary mode.
    [n > 0]: index offset into "a"
    -1: error or string not found (error probably due to length of "b" exceeding "a", or null pointer)

    SIGNATURE: int z_bcmp (const byte_t *a, const byte_t *b, size_t len, boolean man = FALSE)
    SYNOPSIS: compare 2 "binary" character blocks
    compares byte string 'a' against byte string 'b'; Both strings are assumed to be "len" bytes long. len == zero bytes always returns zero. a new flag, "do_manual", if set, lets you bypass any "bcmp()" system call (which would be faster).
    0: a and b are identical
    1: a and b are different

    SIGNATURE: int z_yank_word (char *dest, const char *source, int *pexi = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: extracts a "word" from "source"; doesn't modify source string
    does the equivalent of vi's "yw": if positioned on alphanumeric, yanks all 'word' characters to end of token - up to but not including the 1st non-alphanum. if positioned on whitespace, yanks whitespace. if on other extraneous char, yanks up to alphanumeric, whitespace
    RETURNS: 0

    SIGNATURE: int z_yank_bigword (char *, const char *, int * = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: extracts a "word" + trailing non-whitespace from "source"; doesn't modify source string
    does the equivalent of vi's "yW": if positioned on alphanumeric, yanks all to end of token - up to but not including 1st non-alphanum. if positioned on whitespace, yanks whitespace. if on other extraneous char, yanks up to alphanumeric, whitespace gets yanked too.
    RETURNS: 0

    SIGNATURE: int z_yank_token (char *d, const char *s, count_t *pn = NULL, boolean inc_q = FALSE, boolean inc_bs = TRUE)
    SYNOPSIS: extracts a "quoted substring" from "s"; doesn't modify source string

    • inc_q - if TRUE, the output string will include any captured quotes
    • inc_bs - if TRUE, includes "\" if a "\"" encountered
    if the input string ("s") contains ""HELLO" and trailer..", this routine copies "HELLO" to the output string "d". It implements a policy of including any back-slashes when encountered in the substring to extract, e.g., if a "\'" is encountered, a "\'" gets stored, not a "'". the caller needs some control over quoted text; data bags, in particular, have different requirements, depending on whether they are doing a "load()" or a "print()".
    0: success
    1: error

    SIGNATURE: const char *z_yank_quote (char *d, const char *s, boolean incl_q = FALSE, boolean incl_bs = FALSE, int *pi = NULL)
    this important function extracts a quotation sub-string from the input string "s". the first character of the string must start with either a single-quote or a double-quote. see z_yank_token() for details.
    if the input string ("s") has embedded backslashes, whether the character following the backslash may or may not be included in the output is highly dependent on the 'incl_bs' [4th] parameter. If 'incl_bs' is TRUE, this means do not interpret any "\[n]" character combination - it is raw text, to be passed thru without interpretation. If 'incl_bs' is FALSE, and a "\{something}" is found in the input stream (usually backslash + single character), the lexeme will be reinterpreted as follows: If it is one of these: 'n', 'r', '\', or one of the enveloping quote characters (either ''' >or '"'), it will recieve special processing. (if you want to avoid this, double-up your back-quotes or set 'incl_bs' to TRUE).

    • d: destination char buffer. It must point to a [pre-allocated] buffer space large enough to hold the output string.
    • s: source character string. It must be null-terminated. incl_quotes: TRUE / FALSE; if TRUE, the enveloping quote characters will be included with the output
    • incl_bs: TRUE / FALSE; if TRUE, the input string will be processed "raw", without [re]interpretation of special character sequences, and the back-slashes will be copied verbatim to the output buffer (including any terminating back-slash). If FALSE, special sequences that start with a back-slash will be "interpreted": "\\" -> "\"; "\n" is converted to a LINEFEED (aka 'NEWLINE') character (ASCII 10); "\r" is converted to a CARRIAGE RETURN character (ASCII 13, or 0x0D). In the case of a back-slash followed by a NULL (eg, character value 0x0), this will terminate processing. Note that this is an error condition, as the input was not matched with a closing quote character.
    • pi: error indicator variable. values:
      0: success - successfully parsed and copied a quote;
      1: input string did not start with a [either single- or double-] quote;
      2: null pointer passed in (dest or source);
      3: syntax error - input string was not properly closed with a matching closing quote
    [pointer into s]: if all went well, this returns a pointer to the character position of input string "s" just beyond the closing quote character. Ie, if given the string ""(hi)"" (note the inner double-quotes), the pointer will be on position 6 (starting from 0 as the first character position): 0: ", 1: (, 2: h, 3: i, 4: ), 5: ", 6: \0. In this example, the final character in the character string is also the closing quote. If the string was instead ""(hi)"XYZ", the pointer would have been on the 'X'.
    NULL: error ocurred (string probably didn't start with a quote char)

    SIGNATURE: int z_nl_strip (char *, int * = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: remove any trailing newlines (and carriage-returns)
    RETURNS: 0

    SIGNATURE: int z_trim (char *s, int *pexi = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: this routine takes off any newlines, ^M's, blanks, or tabs from the end of a string. it is a super-set of "z_nl_strip()"
    RETURNS: 0

    SIGNATURE: int z_trimchar (char *s, charc, int *pexi = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: this trims a string of a specific char only. this was made for culling off trailing spaces
    RETURNS: 0

    SIGNATURE: int z_append_nl (char *, int * = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: adds a '\n' to a string
    RETURNS: 0

    SIGNATURE: int z_append_nl_ifnone (char *, int * = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: adds a '\n' to e-o-string, only if not there
    RETURNS: 0

    SIGNATURE: int z_appendchar_ifnone (char *, char, int * = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: adds a specific char to e-o-string, if not there
    DESCRIPTION: add 'c' to a string, only if the last char of the string isn't that character
    RETURNS: 0

    SIGNATURE: boolean z_lastchar_isnl (const char *, int * = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: check whether the end of the line is a newline
    TRUE - if the last char of the string is a '\n' or '\r'
    FALSE - otherwise.

    SIGNATURE: boolean z_lastchar_isthis (const char *, char, int * = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: test for specific char at the end of the string
    TRUE: last char of the string matches the inputted parameter character
    FALSE: otherwise

    SIGNATURE: int z_uppercase_line (char *, int * = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: convert string's lower-case letters to upper-case
    RETURNS: 0

    SIGNATURE: int z_lowercase_line (char *, int * = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: convert string's upper-case letters to lower-case
    RETURNS: 0

    SIGNATURE: count_t z_number_of_lines (const char *s, count_t max_n = 0, int *pe = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: counts the number of lines in the input string "s", up to "max_n"
    RETURNS: [n >= 0] number of lines

    SIGNATURE: int z_pad_blanks_right (char *buffer, size_t max, int *pexi = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: add spaces to a string (with max length 'max')

    SIGNATURE: int z_pad (char *s, size_t n, char c, int *pi = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: tacks on n units of the desired character c to the string s.
    0: success
    1: error

    SIGNATURE: int z_ch_append (char *s, size_t n, char c)
    SYNOPSIS: add char "c" "n" times to "s"
    RETURNS: 0
    TRAITS: it is unknown why this exists; this function will probably be phased out

    SIGNATURE: int z_nullstring (char *s, size_t n, int *pi)
    put a specific number of '\0's in a string buffer. This function used to be called z_bero(). It is the equivalent of (BSD and solaris) "bzero()". This function is provided for convenience - it is exactly equivalent to z_fillstring(s, n, '\0').
    0: success
    1: error

    SIGNATURE: int z_fillstring (char *s, size_t n, char c, int *pi)
    SYNOPSIS: puts n units of c in string s.
    0: success
    1: error
    WARNING: this subroutine does not do boundary checking. Use it at your own risk!

    SIGNATURE: boolean z_isreadable (const char *ptr, size_t max_n = 0, int *p = NULL)
    tells if the contents of the character buffer is "readable". 'ptr' must point to a valid [non-null] character buffer. By default, the entire contents of the string is searched. If 'max_n' is not zero, only the first 'max_n' characters (if the value is less than the buffer length, as defined by z_strlen()) will be checked. The definition of a readable character 'c' is one where 'z_is_printable(c)' returns TRUE. Basically, it is a number (0..9), letter ('A'..'Z', 'a'..'z'), punctuation (eg, ',.!;:' etc), or readable character ('#', '@', '^', '&', '}', '[', etc).
    [currently] a readable character is one in 'ISO-eng', so some characters that are valid in other languages (Spanish 'n' as in "ano", Viking 'o' with a diagonal bar through it or 2 dots over it, etc) would be considered "unreadable".

    SIGNATURE: boolean z_isblank_string (const char *ptr, boolean incl_nl = FALSE)
    SYNOPSIS: tell if given string ("ptr") consists entirely of whitespace
    RETURNS: TRUE (if so), FALSE (otherwise)

    SIGNATURE: int z_stricmp (const char *a, const char *b)
    compare 2 strings without regard to case descr: using this routine, the following strings are lexigraphically equivalent:
    "abcd", "ABCD", "aBcD"
    And the following hold true: "xyzz" > "XYZ"; "BOO" > "bo"
    0: the strings are lexographically identical
    1: the strings are lexographically different
    -1: error occurred

    SIGNATURE: int z_strincmp (const char *a, const char *b, size_t n)

    SIGNATURE: int z_strcmp (const char *a, const char *b)
    SYNOPSIS: compares 2 strings for equality
    0: a and b are identical
    1: a and b are different
    -1: error (null parameter string[s])

    SIGNATURE: int z_strncmp (const char *a, const char *b, size_t n)
    SYNOPSIS: compares first n chars of 2 strings for equality

    SIGNATURE: size_t z_strlen (const char *s, int *pexi = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: an os-independent "strlen()"
    (n >= 0): length of the string
    -1: error (null input string)

    SIGNATURE: int skipto_nextword (const char **ptr)
    SYNOPSIS: set pointer over current word, to the next word

    SIGNATURE: int z_skip_whitespace (const char **line, boolean incl_nl = FALSE, int *pi = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: moves a char ptr-ptr over any current white space

    SIGNATURE: int z_skip_nonwhitespace (const char **pptr, int *pi = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: set pointer position to the next white space (or e-o-line)
    RETURNS: 0

    SIGNATURE: int z_extract_word (char *d, const char *s, int *pi = NULL)
    SYNOPSIS: copy input to output until whitespace encountered
    0: success
    1: error (bad input parameter)

    SIGNATURE: int z_extract_bigword (char *d, const char *s, int *pi = NULL)

    this group of functions contains some of the very first code written for the Z Directory (circa 1985).

    some of the parameter ordering and return value conventions need to be cleaned up. Also, a couple of routines [eg z_ulong_to_dollarstr()] return pointers to decaying stack variables, which means using them is a risky proposition; or pointers to static buffers [eg z_long_to_dollarstr()] which means that the problems with using them is fixed/limited output buffer size and possible corruption when used in multi-threaded applications.


    ??? 05/06/1985: strng(): made it return "   0.00", not "   .00"
    ??? 06/05/1985: strng() - first version
    ??? 09/19/1985: strng() fixed special case: longthing == 0 && decimals == 0
    Thu 11/13/1986: {11:25pm} concat(): "strcat (a,a);" bus error; patching
    ??? 04/29/1987: strng() got rid of malloc(); now length restricted to 255
    Sun 08/09/1987: z_substring() created
    ??? 07/04/1989: "delete()" renamed to "delete_chars()"
    ??? 06/24/1995: created "z_strcmp()"
    ??? 01/23/1998: z_substring(): trapped for null string in input parameters
    ??? 12/25/1996: changed "z_stricmp()"; added "z_strincmp()"
    ??? 01/25/1998: "z_getline_stdin()" moved in, from layer 1
    ??? 03/23/1998: bug fix, "z_stricmp()" (if unequal length strings)
    ??? 03/28/1999: new var-args bugs, when including "/usr/include" mixed in w. gnu
    Thu 05/30/2002: new #define naming conventions ("zos_", "zcc_")
    Fri 11/08/2002: added "z_isblank_string()" {--AG}
    Sat 08/23/2003: 'cosmetic' clean-up
    Sun 01/08/2012: added "z_isreadable()"