category-group: io
layer: 0

The I/O group, as its initials suggest, involve functions and classes relating to input and output. This I/O relates console windows. In Microsoft environments, these are called command windows (and now there are also "PS2 windows"). These are used mainly by console-based applications, which are special types in Microsoft-land. In unix environments, all programs can access a console, even if there is no "real" console attached to the program.

In this case (layer 0), there is only 1 solitary function. Its main purpoe is to be used by other, higher-level I/O-oriented components.

[C] functions (aka subroutines):

SIGNATURE: size_t z_getline_stdin (char *b, size_t n, int *pi)
SYNOPSIS: gets a line of characters from the standard console input
  • b: a character buffer
  • n: [input] the length of buffer 'b'. This buffer must be at least this size in order for this function to be safe to use
  • pi: [output] error indicator variable. values:
    0: success; got data
    1: e-o-input

history:   ??? 01/25/1998: moved from layer 1's "string.cpp" (string class)